Jupiter has been perceived for centuries as the ‘Greater Benefic’, and many astrologers assume that this planet will always herald good fortune, opportunities for betterment, and material and emotional rewards. Sometimes this interpretation is entirely valid. At other times it isn’t. Jupiter’s expression, in an individual life and on a collective level, is rarely simple and sometimes anything but benefic, and Jupiter transits can reveal a contradictory picture. Sometimes great opportunities arise and life is enhanced. Sometimes the transit coincides with the collapse of relationships, financial hardship, the onset of serious illness, and even death. Sometimes both expressions occur at once. And in natal charts, Jupiter aspects are not always benign in the accepted sense of the word. In astrology, several planets are associated with complexity and mystery, especially Neptune and Pluto. But Jupiter is in some ways the most enigmatic of all the heavenly bodies in our solar system. What does Jupiter really symbolise?
These three seminars given by Liz Greene for CPA and MISPA students in 2021 explore the enigmatic, paradoxical, and unpredictable Jupiter to find a clearer understanding of this tricky and magical planet.
Available in hard copy and as an ebook through Wessex Astrologer or Amazon from 14th April 2025.
Note: We do not sell the books direct from this site, they are available in good bookshops and you can order them on the internet through Amazon or Wessex Astrologer by using the link to the right.