This book is based on seminars given by Liz Greene in 2005 and then online during the pandemic in 2020. The first was entitled ‘Chiron in Love’ because Chiron’s story is most clearly and poignantly enacted in our most personal exchanges with the people closest to us. It includes a background of mythic material about Chiron that can help to shed light on the interaction between Chiron in one horoscope and the planets and angles in another.
The Astrological World of Jung’s ‘Liber Novus’: Daimons, Gods, and the Planetary Journey
C. G. Jung’s The Red Book: Liber Novus, published posthumously in 2009, explores Jung’s own journey from an inner state of alienation and depression to the restoration of his soul, as well as offering a prophetic narrative of the collective human psyche as it journeys from unconsciousness to a greater awareness of its own inner dichotomy of good and evil. Jung utilised astrological symbols throughout to help him comprehend the personal as well as universal meanings of his visions.
Jung’s Studies in Astrology: Prophecy, Magic, and the Qualities of Time
C. G. Jung had a profound interest in and involvement with astrology, which he made clear in virtually every volume of the Collected Works, as well as in many of his letters. This ancient symbolic system was of primary importance in his understanding of the nature of time, the archetypes, synchronicity, and human fate.
Barriers and Boundaries – The Horoscope and the Defences of the Personality
This first volume of the CPA Press Seminar Series explores the fundamental issue of how we defend ourselves against conflict and suffering through characteristic psychological mechanisms reflected in the natal chart. Unless we understand our own defence mechanisms, we can create enormous problems both for ourselves and for those with whom we are involved; and unless we understand the defence mechanisms of others we may fail to comprehend their needs and feelings as well as their behaviour.
The Astrologer, the Counsellor and the Priest – Two Seminars on Astrological Counselling
In this volume, the complexities and challenges of working as an astrologer are explored on many levels, from the practical to the psychological and philosophical. It is only recently that the responsibilities of the astrologer in relation to the client have begun to be defined, and this book offers sound practical advice about working in the astrological session as well as provocative insights into the reasons why one becomes an astrologer in the first place.
The Family Inheritance – Parental Images in the Horoscope
This volume offers new insights and a compassionate approach to our psychological inheritance. It explores in depth the images we carry of our parents and our experience of the kind of relationship they created with each other, which is also the kind of relationship we tend to create ourselves in adulthood. Parents are patterns, and no amount of effort can eradicate these inherent patterns which are passed down to us over generations. Rather than avoiding our roots, we must learn to understand, live with, honour, and express them as creatively as possible.
Venus and Jupiter – Bridging the Ideal and the Real
Bringing to reality our dreams and fantasies of the ideal is not always easy nor even possible. Coming to terms with this natural split in the human psyche is also difficult, but in this book, Erin Sullivan goes deeply into the character, mythological origins and astrological relationship of the two planets most closely associated with ideals, creativity, romance, ethics and social relationships.
The Astrological Moon
The natal Moon describes the physical gateway through which each of us must enter if we are to have a life on this planet. So far no one has discovered another way to get onto this very colourful little planet, circling its own medium sized star. To spend any time here, as far as we know, you have to enter through a woman’s body. And that woman’s body will contain traces of every event that has happened since the very beginning….All of the past will be contained in that body…. everything, going back to the birth of the universe.
The Art of Stealing Fire – Uranus in the Horoscope
Uranus, like the other outer planets, is not easy for the astrological student to grasp because of its collective nature, and is often simply, and perhaps inappropriately, equated with “individuality”. This volume explores the meaning of Uranus in considerable depth, in both its creative and destructive expressions, natally and by transit, linking it with various mythic images and historical events as well as with individual and collective psychological patterns, and using the primary image of Prometheus the Titan to examine just what the creative fire was which he stole from the gods and gave to humankind.
Incarnation – The Four Angles and the Moon’s Nodes
The various factors in the birth chart may be experienced on many different levels, both inner and outer. This volume explores the meaning and characteristic expressions of those fundamental axes which are concerned with our incarnation in the world – the angles and the Nodes of the Moon.
Direction and Destiny in the Birth Chart
Since the death of Howard Sasportas, students have repeatedly requested transcripts of his CPA seminars. It seems appropriate now, perhaps more as a celebration of his birth than a memorial to his death, to publish three of the best of the seminars in book form. Howard would have been fifty years old on 12 April, 1998. The publication of this volume has been timed to coincide with that date; it is an honouring of his entry into life, and a distillation of what he was able to contribute to astrology in the time he was given.
Water and Fire
This volume is both a poetic and a deeply insightful journey into the essence of these two astrological elements and what they symbolise in the human psyche. Part One examines the element of water first through its expressions in myth, alchemy, philosophy and psychology, and then through the water signs and water houses in the horoscope. Each planet in a water house is described in terms of its meaning and expression; the three water signs on the Ascendant are examined; and planets transiting through the water houses complete a detailed analysis of all the permutations of water in the birth chart.