Direction and Destiny in the Birth Chart

Direction and Destiny in the Birth ChartHoward Sasportas

Since the death of Howard Sasportas, students have repeatedly requested transcripts of his CPA seminars. It seems appropriate now, perhaps more as a celebration of his birth than a memorial to his death, to publish three of the best of the seminars in book form. Howard would have been fifty years old on 12 April, 1998. The publication of this volume has been timed to coincide with that date; it is an honouring of his entry into life, and a distillation of what he was able to contribute to astrology in the time he was given. These three seminars all deal with the themes of direction and destiny in the birth chart, a subject with which he, as an Aries with a Capricorn Ascendant, was deeply concerned. In personal consultation work he had the gift of inspiring his clients and highlighting potentials for the future which gave them renewed hope and new directions to pursue in life. These seminars convey the same optimism and boundless vision of human possibilities. Howard’s astrology was always on the side of the individual, and on the side of that which supports and enhances life and freedom of choice.

These seminars were given during 1990 and 1991, but the interpretations and perspectives offered do not date, and are as relevant to the astrologer in the next millennium as they were to the astrologer in the 1990’s. We cannot know how Howard’s astrology might have developed, had he been able to continue his work. I have no doubt that he would have continued to grow in stature and depth, offering innovative perspectives which incorporated any new astrological and psychological insights that came his way. Howard’s work never stood still, as befits a cardinal sign; he was perpetually seeking new ways of looking at things, astrologically, psychologically, and spiritually. We can only mourn what we have lost, yet at the same time celebrate what we have – a legacy which can help us all to become not only better astrologers but also better human beings.

Liz Greene

Note: We do not sell the books direct from this site, they are available in good bookshops and you can order them on the internet through Amazon or Wessex Astrologer by using the link to the right.