Religion and Spirituality in the Chart


Carole Taylor

Carole Taylor

Sunday 9th March 2025
15.30-18.00 GMT

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Webinar Description

This webinar will explore our personal experience of religion and spirituality, and our journey towards the beliefs we come to hold. Beyond the recognised designations of the 9th and 12th houses, or Jupiter and Neptune, the whole chart can be said to reveal our belief system and thus our personal cosmology – our way of seeing and relating to the world. Since the chart also reflects the ground of the family and the inheritance of the past, it will also reflect themes which characterise the family’s belief system, inevitably shaping our own views. We will explore all of this, along with a wider view of the function of religion and the wide spectrum of beliefs and spiritualities that characterise the contemporary world. The purpose is to explore spirituality as a mirror: what does our sense of the sacred say about us as an individual and how can this deepen our understanding of ourselves?

Carole Taylor has been a consultant astrologer, as well as a tutor at the Faculty of Astrological Studies, for over two decades. She has fulfilled a variety of key roles at the Faculty, including President and Director of Studies, contributing extensively to the course material and co-tutoring workshops in Bali, India, China and the USA. She has a busy client practice that includes ACG, Relocation and Local Space techniques. She holds an MA in Myth, Cosmology & the Sacred from Canterbury Christ Church University and is a tutor on the Sophia MA in Cultural Astronomy & Astrology at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David.

Booking this webinar entitles you to attend live and/or access the video recording for 1 month after the event. Recording details are sent out 24/48 hours after each event.