Erin Sullivan

Erin Sullivan is Canadian-born and has been a consultant astrologer and teacher since the late 1960’s. She has lectured worldwide, and led workships and symposia on many aspects of human development, using mythology, psychology and the rich language of astrology. At Cold Mountain Institute, and P.D. Seminars in British Columbia, she did retreat workshops on “The Gods Within” and “In Midlife”, and was also the resident astrologer for the New Horizons Programs in the 1980’s for the Cold Mountain Institute (now Hollyhock).

Her work took her to London, England in 1989 where she was a tutor for the Centre for Psychological Astrology, and the Series Editor for Penguin’s Arkana Contemporary Astrology Series. She is an adjunct faculty member for the Central American Institute of Prehistoric and Traditional Cultures at Belize.

Erin has authored several books: Saturn in Transit: Boundaries of Mind, Body and SoulRetrograde Planets: Traversing the Inner Landscape, and Dynasty: The Astrology of Family Dynamics (All Arkana). Her chapter on “Hermes: Trickster, Teacher, Theos” appears in the Llewellyn book, The Planets. She has also produced a three-volume set of teaching videos, Astrology, Mythology and the Psyche available in the UK through Midheaven Bookshop and in the USA through Spectrum Videos and her own company, Southwest Furthers. Venus and Jupiter: Bridging the Ideal and the Real is available from the CPA Press, as is Where in the World?: Astro*Carto*Graphy and Relocation Charts.

Erin is an active member of The Writers’ Union of Canada. As of 2000, she writes articles for Star-IQ. As of September ’99 Erin has taken on the position of Professional Accreditation-Trainer for the Jim Lewis trust and Continuum. A long-time resident of Arizona, and before that in London, England and Vancouver/Victoria in Canada, Erin now lives in Taos, New Mexico where she writes, consults and lectures for many organizations and conducts private workshops, classes and supervision groups. She has two grown daughters and three grandchildren (grandson and two granddaughters). Her website is at